Beautiful Happy Birthday Quotes For Friends

Beautiful Happy Birthday Quotes For Friends: Here are the best birthday quotes for friends, happy birthday quotations and sayings for family members. This is the place where you will get some most popular lines of Facebook which you can use on birthday of your best friend. So don’t waste time and go through our latest collection of beautiful happy birthday quotes which is presented by happy birthday greeting cards.


Beautiful Happy Birthday Quotes For Friends

May you live your life to the
fullest…every day.
Happy birthday!

There are 364 days when you might
get unbirthday presents…and only
one for birthday presents, you know.”
~ Lewis Carroll

They say that age is all in your mind.
The trick is keeping it from creeping
down into your body.
~Author Unknown

The greatest gift that you can give
to others is the gift of
unconditional love and acceptance.”
~ Brian Tracy

This is a wonderful way to celebrate
an 80th birthday… I wanted to
be 65 again, but they wouldn’t
let me – Homeland Security.
~ Art Buchwald

Inflation is when you pay fifteen
dollars for the ten-dollar haircut
you used to get for five dollars
when you had hair.
~Sam Ewing

Fly free and happy beyond birthdays
and across forever, and we’ll meet
now and then when we wish, in the
midst of the one celebration
that never can end.

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